Navig Tools

Boost your productivity with our suite of tools

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Our Tools

GO SG BUS - Singapore Bus Tracking

Real-time bus arrival information for bus stops in Singapore. View bus stops near you, next bus timings and track bus locations.

Start Now!

GO SG BIKE - Singapore Bike Parking

Find bicycle parking spaces near you.

Start Riding

GO SG TRAFFIC INCIDENTS - View Traffic Incidents Near you

View Diversions, Accidents, Roadworks and other traffic incidents near you.


WhatsApp Link Generator

Create direct links to WhatsApp numbers with ease.

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Online HTML Editor

Edit and test HTML code online instantly.

Test your HTML

Password Generator

Generate strong, secure passwords for your accounts.

Generate Now

PDF Tool

View PDFs and convert them to text effortlessly.

Explore Tool

QR Code Generator

Create QR codes for links and text and download it

Create QR Code


JSON text validation and formatting

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Colour Picker

Colour Picker - RGB, HEX, HSL

Try it Now

Markdown Viewer & Editor

View and Edit your Markdown files

Check it Out

Diff Checker

Get differences between 2 pieces of text or code and get the differences highlighted

Compare your texts

Random Profile Generator

Generate a random profile including the name, profile photo, email, location and phone number


Phone Number Tool

Validate Phone Numbers and get details for International Phone Numbers

Check Phone